Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; 12 OCT 89 12:33:23 GMT Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1199; Thu, 12 Oct 89 12:33:35 BS Received: from by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1236; Thu, 12 Oct 89 12:33:34 B Received: by CEARN (Mailer R2.03B) id 5801; Thu, 12 Oct 89 11:12:30 GVA Date: Wed, 11 Oct 89 12:42:29 MDT Reply-To: INFO-ATARI16@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Sender: INFO-ATARI16 Discussion Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was INFO-A16@MARIST From: INFO-ATARI16-REQUEST@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #509 Comments: To: INFO-ATARI16@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 11 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 509 Today's Topics: Anthony Howe's GAWK enquiry Atari VT52! DESKJET clearance problems? Fastload IMG Look! 10, count 'em, 10 mushrooms (was Re: VI) Ninetendo (ugh gag gasp) Gameboy panarthea archive PD Word Processors size of STeVIe TOS 1.4 problem (2 msgs) WANTED: details of 1meg upgrade process. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 11 Oct 89 08:41:11 EDT From: David Megginson Subject: Anthony Howe's GAWK enquiry You cannot use gsub() in GAWK because it is a part of the new, AT&T sys V AWK, not the old, BSD AWK which GAWK is based on. There is source for a newer GAWK which supports _a few_ of the extra features found in The AWK Book, and I should have it fully running in a few weeks. Right now the code runs fine, but it has not been written properly, so I am having some problems with sub() and gsub(). David Megginson ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 07:10:29 GMT From: portal!! Subject: Atari VT52! Eric Hobbs asks: > I am a two-and-one-half month new user of an Atari STfm. The VT52 >emulator that came with it puzzles me. This may sound like a trivial >question to a ST experts out there, but what does this accessory do, >and how do I use it??? >What is it capable of? > >I have no manual for it so any responses would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to remember, but I don't think my ST came with any documentation for the VT-52 emulator ACC either... Essentially, all it does is let the ST emulate a DEC (Digital Equipment Co) terminal. The VT-52 terminal is a fairly standard unit, and the ST itself uses VT-52 commands for a lot of its screen handling. When you click on the VT-52 ACCessory, your ST becomes a VT-52 terminal. You can send and receive text through a modem connected to the serial port of the ST. If the computer you're connected to can send VT-52 "escape codes", your screen will act just like a real VT-52 terminal. If you have an autodial modem connected to the ST, you can send it's commands by just typing them on the screen, for example ATZ to reset it, or ATD5551212 to dial it. Unfortunately, ALL the VT-52 emulator can do is send and receive text. (As indeed a real VT-52 terminal does...) It CANNOT "upload or download" programs to your ST from CompuServe or local BBSs, it can't "capture" text and save it to your disk, and it can't maintain a "phone directory" of numbers to call automatically. The VERY best thing to do with the VT-52 emulator is to put it back into your disk case, and say "Hmmm.. that was interesting", then go out and buy a commercial terminal program like FLASH from Antic (they're running some kinds of deals on it now), or Interlink from Intersect Software. (There are also Public Domain programs like UniTerm an VanTerm available) These programs are LIGHT YEARS beyond the VT-52 emulator, and give you far more features (truly useful features...) Actually it was kind of nice for Atari to have included the VT-52 emulator with the ST, as it helped to demonstrate another facet of the ST's usefulness But... to do anything really useful, you need to move on to something more capable... BobR ------------------------------ Date: 11 OCT 89 08:31:46 CST From: Z4648252 Subject: DESKJET clearance problems? Frans van Hoesel writes: "WARNING: do not close the cover of the deskjet printer while printing is in progress." I've had a very faithful DeskJet since August of 1988 (that is 1988) and have had no problems at all with the plastics of the box. However, I notice that there is not even a millimetre clearance of the ink cartridge holder guard and the lip of the DeskJet top. Could it be possible that Frans van Hoesel's top is slightly warped? Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1989 15:10:05 MET From: LarsErikOsterud Subject: Fastload Where can i get the MAKEFAST program that sets the fastload-bit in the program-header that allows a program to be loaded and started without the RAM beeing cleared ? Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________ Osterud / / /___ / The norwegian ST __________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Oct 89 08:37:05 EDT From: David Megginson Subject: IMG IMG is, was, and always will be the standard GEM image format. NEO, P?3, etc. were invented by programmers too lazy to try to use the IMG standard. If we move to anything else, it will be something like TIF. Give up on NEO, it is only a toy format. Yes, IMG is supposed to support colour too. David Megginson ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 23:11:12 GMT From: att!cbnewsd!orc@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (david parsons) Subject: Look! 10, count 'em, 10 mushrooms (was Re: VI) On 8 Oct 89 16:23:16 GMT, (Robert Thurlow) wrote: >orc@pell.uucp (david parsons) writes: >> 1) Levee, written by me; it's available on Bix for certain; it may be in >> some of the archives. >David, has Levee been fixed yet? I like it a whole lot (most complete >features set I've seen on an ST), but I can't use it if pressing a key >during scrolling is going to crash the program and lose everything. Well, no, it hasn't been fixed, but that's cause I never run into the problem. ("problem" - that's a nice way to say " cheapo operating system bug") The only time I hit the bug in the last couple of years was a couple of minutes ago, when I made the system puke by loading in a 40k file and LEANING on the ~D key (and even then it was about 30k down before the shrooms walked across the screen.) The easy solution would be to just eat typeahead, but I've a friend here who would beat me into a pulp with my keyboard if I was to implement such a fix. *sigh* one of those goddamn things that make me wonder why I didn't buy a Mac... I'll figure out a "fix" and wire it into Levee this week. -david parsons ------------------------------ Date: 11 OCT 89 08:39:37 CST From: Z4648252 Subject: Ninetendo (ugh gag gasp) Gameboy Richard E. Covert writes: " Also, I hear that the Ninetendo (ugh gag gasp) Gameboy is already out. How is the Atari Lynz (or whatever it is called today!!) coming??" I'm also disgusted at the situation. I live in a rural area where no ST's exist at all and would be happy to see ANYTHING with the Atari label on it in our area. Well, guess what? Ninetendo is not only selling GameBoy at the local Walmart for $78.00 (didn't price the AVAILABLE 12 games), but the local video tape rental centres are RENTING the GameBoy. Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 14:18:03 GMT From: grapevine! (Steven Grimm) Subject: panarthea archive In article <1301@sdcc13.ucsd.EDU> pa1562@sdcc13.ucsd.EDU (C. Squibby Breyman) writes: >Every time I try to open a connection >ftp wairts then times out. Panarthea is only reachable by mail, unfortunately. Sun's internal network can't be reached from the outside world (or vice versa), so ftp won't work. Send the word "help" to for information about accessing the archives. The good news is that the archive server provides very fast turnaround time for people on the Internet, almost as good as ftp. --- " !" - Marcel Marceau Steven Grimm Moderator, comp.?sources,binaries? ...!sun!sgrimm ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 15:19:11 GMT From: ubc-cs!! (John Buchanan) Subject: PD Word Processors In article <> coffey@ucselx.sdsu,edu (pat coffey) writes: >In article <> bill@biomel.UUCP writes: >>In article <> (Chris Hinton) writes: >>> >>> Hello you netters, I need some help. I need a good PD Word Processor. I >>>have (gak!) 1st Word, but I hate it with a passion. I also think spending >>>$100+ for any program is just plain stupid. Any suggestions? >> >>Why stupid? Good software takes time to write, and a decent commercial >>product can easily be worth more than $100. I am sorry. This reply is just to mild. Could the first poster please do a little arithmetic. I assume that you think that your time is worth some money. (Lets give you some credit) What about $1 an hour. Ok so this gives you 2 1/2 weeks to write a good word processor in. Ok, Ok, I can hear the flames now. 1) These people market in bulk and should be able to sell for cheaper. True, but with people with your attitude they are not able to sell many. 2) Some of these programs were written for other machines using common knowledge or public domain algorithms. (Yes I've heard this one to justify the stealing of Word Perfect (TM)) True, but they have taken the time to polish these algorithms and provide you the user with support. 3) I bought my Atari so that I could get cheap software. Ok, remember cheap software more often than not = poor soft- ware. Paying $100 dollars for software is not just plain stupid. There that should generate some heat. ============================================================================= John Buchanan Department of Computer Science University of British Columbia British Columbia Canada ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 12:56:41 GMT From:!uluru11! (Rupert Graham GOLDIE) Subject: size of STeVIe pa1038@sdcc13.ucsd.EDU (Jon McCarty) writes: > I remember thinking the same thing when I d/loaded STEVIE when it > came across a couple of months ago. The cursors were screwed up & > it crashed all the time. ????????????????????? > Wa-La! The version I compiled was much more robust and almost 1/2 the size! > (well, ?90K instead of 100+whatever) Haven't gotten around to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > fixing any more bugs yet (like hitting 'n' w/out previous reg-exp) > ----Jon > (internet: > (bitnet? what's that?? @8-) I got STEVIE from terminator and gasped at its 186K but when I ran it through removesym (posted a little while back for removing symbol tables so that pack would work ) it ended up at about 60K !!! and after packing it is even smaller. (However I must admit that I haven't used it much yet and so I can't say how robust it is.) Rupert G. Goldie ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 04:50:07 GMT From: imagen!atari!jansen@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Mark O. Jansen) Subject: TOS 1.4 problem in article <>, (Aaron Charlop) says: > ... > Aaron the Alchemist > > ... > P.S. Why didn't Atari include a Move option in the copy routine? You can move _files_; just select the files, hold down , and drag them to their destination. As long as is down when the mouse button comes up, you'll get a move instead of a copy. -- "Question" Mark Jansen UUCP: ...ames!atari!jansen Atari Corporation BIX/GEnie: mjansen These views do not necessarily reflect those of Atari Corporation. "No fire exits...that's a BAD PARTY." - Bill Spooner ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 06:38:35 GMT From: portal!! Subject: TOS 1.4 problem >Aaron the Alchemist > > >P.S. Why didn't Atari include a Move option in the copy routine? You haven't been following the "grapevine documentation" for TOS 1.4, Aaron.. (what..? you expected docs for your $100...? get real) Atari *DID* include a MOVE operation in TOS 1.4... It's Shift/Alt/Control/Help/Undo/Uppercase M/Lowercase M (at the same time) while click dragging the file to its destination... Far more intuitive than a drop-down menu option.. (what do you think this i.. a Graphics Environment Manager...?) I'm sure someone here will tell you the actual procedure... Pretty unnerving to think Atari is in such a bad financial situation that the couldn't even afford to send out a mimeographed sheet with the ROMs to dealrs (You *CAN* get TOS 1.4 documentation, but that requires joining the $300 club BobR ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 10:21:41 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!!! (S.H.Cogheil) Subject: WANTED: details of 1meg upgrade process. What I require is a fairly well detailed explanation of how to upgrade a 520stfm to 1 meg... Please note, that I am not requesting details of third party upgraders/ kit suppliers. I want to do this thing myself, so as to insure minimum cost !!! Also before I forget, what exactly are the sort of part numbers I should look for when looking for the 256kbit chips. Yours... -- ------------------------------------------------------------ | SAMUEL.H.COGHEIL | I-TEQUENOLOGY '89 | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #509 *****************************************